While it might be hot outside, fall is rapidly approaching, making this a good time to plan out your Larchmont and Irvington, NY, landscaping. Don’t wait to discuss with your landscape specialists which changes can enhance your landscape.
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Fall Is the Time to Plant
Whether you want a spring flower garden or a living screen for more privacy when you’re on your patio, fall can be the time to plant those bulbs and trees. Assessing your landscape now can give you time to work with your landscape specialists to plan crucial changes to your property.
Spring bulbs: If you have a landscape bed that could use some floral beauty, now could be the time to decide on irises, daffodils, tulips, and more to add interest. One of the often-forgotten places that bulbs can make an impact is at the entrance to the driveway.
Peonies: Gardeners tend to rejoice when peonies bloom—these huge flowers in an array of colors can be a joyful addition to indoor vases. Fall can be the time to choose which peonies you want so they can be ready to bloom in the spring.
Hosta: Hosta is a versatile plant that comes in blue tones, with white stripes, and in various shades of green.
Trees: Placing trees in the ground in early fall can give them a chance to grow roots and establish themselves before the cold winter arrives. When spring rolls around, your trees will be leafy and green and ready to thrive.
Fall Is for Grass
Whether you have bare patches in your backyard or want to increase the amount of grassy space in your landscape, fall can be the time that your landscapers will want to aerate the soil to break up compaction and leave small holes for new grass seed to take hold. As with trees, planting grass in the fall can allow the rain, air, and sunlight to boost the growth of the grass by establishing strong roots.
Spreading grass seed and fertilizer can encourage fresh growth after the hottest part of summer has passed, and it can also be the right time to apply post-emergent weed killer to eliminate weeds.
Landscape Design and Lighting
Now can also be an opportune time to consider adding landscape lighting to your outdoor spaces for more time after the sunsets. Your landscapers can add lighting to strategic outdoor spaces such as the driveway entrance, walkway to the front door, and front landing. They can also improve the patio area with perimeter lighting.
If you prefer, your landscapers can add outdoor lighting to the landscape beds within the front yard to shine on special trees and illuminate the edges of the beds. They can bring light to the foundation of your home and any other outdoor space that you want to have illuminated for beauty and safety in moving around the yard at night.
Landscape lighting can be an excellent way to increase the security of your home so that you feel safer coming and going in the darkness. Wherever you want light, they can accomplish it.
Save yourself time and aggravation by planning landscape upgrades now so that your landscape service will be ready to execute your vision in the early fall when the weather is just right for changes.
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